Power Supplies
QFRF'S 24V DC power supply has a 1.5A current rating and is compatible with ORR1000, RA1000, DA1000, and OR1000 units.
The PS-12VDC power supply is the proper replacement for the 1-way MN1000-40-1W-SA mini nodes, as well as the OLT2600 and OLR2600 L-Band links. (12 VDC @ 1.5 amps)
The PS-24VDC/208 power supply is a desktop-type supply that uses a universal C13/C14 AC connector to allow your RA1000/DA1000 amplifiers, or your ORR1000/OR1000 fiber receivers to run anywhere from 95 to 250 VAC with the proper AC cord. (Especially useful for data closets with only 208 VAC)